Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cyborgs will rule the world

In the Garden of Iden (The Company, #1)In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I grabbed this book randomly and was excited to see the premise: Teenage cyborg, time traveler. Weird right? And at least worth trying out. So that's what drove me through all hundred and three pages (plus I like history)
The first quarter of this book is interesting, with great ideas and a humor that reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut.
The other three quarters were well... a 17 year old cyborg in 16th England who falls in love. Sound more like a sci-fi romance? It was.
I really wanted to like this book, I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. I would certainly recommend to an young geeky girl. But as a guy reading about this girl's teenage angst, hormones and delusions was annoying.
This however was the author's first book (i could tell in the writing) of an eight book series so I'm going to give it a chance.

View all my reviews

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