“Writers block” is defined as a writers inability to form words into sentences and sentences into information, either fictional or non-fictional. This experiment does not intend to discover the cause of this issue, whether biological or physiologic. The purpose of the experiment is to find realistic and efficient solutions to writers block. There will be 3 section in this experiment. Section 1st will be the control, writing unaided by any systems. The 2nd will contain theories proposed by online sources. The 3rd will be theories developed by myself (some based of section 2 results) and adjusted over time to increase performance. Each theory will be measured based on the number of words typed over 3 hours.
Section 1 - Control
Creating a true control is a challenge. The control should be written at a non-specific time and a non-specific location. It should attempt to not incidentally engage any of the theories above. Thus the control should be the same writing project every time. There should be no breaks and it should be up to standard. I however cannot deduce a solution to the idea that if writing in the middle, or working on other sections of the project is a solution, then continual writing will change the area of the project that is being worked on. I think that the best solution is to write as close to my normal habits.
Section 2 – Outside Theories
1. Implement a writing schedule – Choose a time a write every day at the same time. An addition suggestion is to write only a limited amount of words at the same time, ie 500 words.
2. Exercise – Based on the theory that increasing blood flow will help the brain function at a better efficiency.
3. Start in the middle – Move to a section of the work that interests you more.
4. Multiple projects – Work on multiple projects at the same time. Theorizing that the problem may be the project.
5. Write bad – A theory that the problem is a result of too high a standard.
6. Listen to music -
7. Take a break – Theorizing that a brief rest will help the mind focus. Shower, walk, drive, nap or read.
Section 3 – My Extrapolations
Still have to come up with them.